October 02, 2024 The stars glistening with beauty and fire to light up the dark abyss of the galaxy. By. M.W.
September 25, 2024 The end of time is so dispensed with endless unknown black void. The void just keeps going till one day it’s time for breath and laughter, pain and wealth of the living to rise up. By M.W.
September 25, 2024 The ocean roars to all the water creatures. To give them time to retreat their homes. The mystical creature speak to the ocean spirit to help them find some prey to feed there clan. Roars from ocean surface forth the prey for the mystical creatures to catch…
September 24, 2024 Wolves come in packs and very protective of their own . If any outsiders interferes with their clan. There coats are very glistening when the rain pellets drops. The man mustn’t disturb them or they’ll be at high risk. Beauty of a wolf is ever so arousing…
September 24, 2024 The glaze of the river at night kisses the moon bosom ever so softly throughout the night. The river echoes with splashes as the predatory creatures dance in the river. The river feels the creatures swimming and splashing in them. The river feels the other creatures enjoyment.…
September 24, 2024 The birds fumble down the grovey road in the midst of a heavy wind coming through town. The birds find the trees outside of town. They find a strong branch to go towards till the heavy wind passes through. The heavy wind was their till dawn the…
September 23, 2024 The coldness is airy and brick cold for the creatures all like to enjoy the winter weeks ahead. The earth is sleeping and awake at the same time feeling the life on the surface and underneath. The creatures rejoice in winter by a deep sleep. By M.W.
September 01, 2024 The peace within the beauty of the darkness in the sky is magnificent and calming to the eye. What should the sky say to us humans if it could speak? Maybe hello everyone. Or nothing at all. The dark sky is a beautiful mystery all in itself.…
August 15, 2024 Riding the waves in life is a breathtaking and heartbreaking journey for all of humanity The way that life takes us on is a rollercoaster with its ups and downs in every aspect of this life. It depends on weather you want to ride the rollercoaster with…
June 21, 2024 The sky ever so change into a crimson rose at night. The canvas of the sky becomes reds, orange with a hint of purple. By M.W.