
  • Roars of the ocean

    September 25, 2024  The ocean roars to all the water creatures. To give them time to retreat their homes. The mystical creature speak to the ocean spirit to help them find some prey to feed there clan. Roars from ocean surface forth the prey for the mystical creatures to catch…

  • Winter

    September 23, 2024  The coldness is airy and brick cold for the creatures all like to enjoy the winter weeks ahead. The earth is sleeping and awake at the same time feeling the life on the surface and underneath. The creatures rejoice in winter by a deep sleep.  By M.W.

  • Yellow Light

    December 23, 2023  The yellow light rises seductively from the slumber of the night. The night suppresses the yellow light for all to rest and wonder the air at night is crisp in silent with the occasional howl and Oooo’s of the mystical creatures. The night listens to those who…